Your Nutritional Coach

Your Nutritional Coach

Are you worried about getting in shape or get rid of your Belly Fat? You are right place. 

Protein, carbohydrates and fats are the three essential nutrients that provide the body with caloric energy. Although carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, fats are the most energy dense of these nutrients. Containing 9 kcal per gram, fats provide roughly twice as much energy and calories as proteins and carbohydrates which only provide 4 kcal per gram, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This energy is used for exercising and for basic biological processes, known as the basal metabolic rate, that the body performs while at rest. These include functions like blood circulation, the regulation of hormones, cell growth and digestion. Any calories that are not immediately metabolized for energy are stored in the body as fat for future use.

This deposition of fats is the main reason. We, at Sanjari Fitnesses Club will provide you personal nutrition diet chart as well assist you so that can get your body into shape without a fuss. 

We are located in Ahmedabad, and we can help get you a fit body and meet your health goals in the comfort of your home. Regardless of your fitness goals, we assure you that you will get maximum results. 

Contact us today and get your fat body analysis absolutely FREE !!!